This four-day conference is being held as part of the research project TÜBİTAK 114F223 titled “Frobenius-like Groups as Groups of Automorphisms” in order to share the recent results obtained.
It mainly aims to bring together graduate students studying group theory, in order to share ideas and improve themselves in an encouraging environment with the support of experienced researchers in the area. There will be several main talks, a limited number of contributed talks and a poster session. The main talks will present recent results in a detailed manner, if necessary in more than one session. The contributed talks will aim to exchange ideas and identify the key problems in the field.
We will be more than happy to host our colleagues including PhD candidates who want to give a talk or present a poster. If you are interested, please take a few minutes now to submit the registration form. Those who want to give a contributed talk or present a poster must register before April 21, 2017, because there are only a few time slots available. In case you don’t get a positive response to present your talk, we invite you to present it in the poster session.
There is limited funding for graduate students.
If you have any questions, we will be glad to answer; please use the contact interface.
Click here to download the poster of the conference.
We are looking forward to seeing you in Bolu.
Scientific Committee
Gülin Ercan (METU)
İsmail Ş. Güloğlu (Doğuş University)
Organizing Committee
Eren Ertürk (METU)
Kübra Dölaslan (METU)
Levent Doğan (METU)
Nisa Tuğrul (METU)